USA Tour 2016 (Day 3)

Today we decided to go to Albuquerque via Santa Fe and Tent Rocks.

August 10:

We had breakfast at the hotel in Truth or Consequences, (from my previous blog) so we left to go to Santa Fe. After a 3 and a half hour journey, we finally arrived at Santa Fe at around 1pm. We looked around the town and it wasn’t how I expected. From photos, it reminded me of Greek houses, the one’s on a cliff. It must have been the texture of the walls that made me think of that. But in reality, it wasn’t like that. It reminded me slightly of Tombstone but it was a lot more modern. We decided to have lunch at Subway where I had a chicken sub (my favorite!) and we walked around the town. After, we went into a church, personally, I’m not a massive fan of churches not because I don’t believe in God but I can just find them a bit scary and surreal. However, with this church I was intrigued by the designs inside and spent most of the time in the small gift shop. We then headed back to the car and left for tent rocks. It was an incredibly clean area and I wish we could’ve spent more time looking around.

At around 3pm we arrived at tent rocks. I wasn’t really looking forward to this since I’m not the biggest adventure fan, but I can honestly say that I loved this. My dad went further ahead because we didn’t know how we were going to find it and he desperately wanted to climb to the top. That left my mum, brother, uncle and I to find our own way around. After the mile walk to get to the rocks, it was extremely interesting to see their formations up close. In each rock that passed I could see the individual lines of different rock and patterns. As I have mentioned previously, I can get easily claustrophobic but even though there were small, tight squeezes, I was completely and utterly in love with the place. My mum wasn’t as enamored as I was and so we didn’t walk as far as I would’ve liked too, saying this however, we did walk a good distance. On our walk back my mum spotted a snake, and although this wasn’t unusual for the desert, we’ve never seen a snake in the wild before. It all added to the adventure, I was completely in my element, which was surprising for my family and for me since I would usually say ‘I’d rather chop my legs off than walk’ (bit of an exaggeration, I know). This was the place where my passion was really born. Without a doubt I would go back. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay here all day, and it was getting late so we headed to Albuquerque.



As we arrived at Albuquerque at around 7pm, we decided to go to the hotel and have our evening meal at one of the many restaurants there since it was convenient.  We didn’t go into Albuquerque that day since we were all too tired and as it was getting dark, we didn’t want to miss seeing anything due to lack of light. After our evening meal, my brother and I hit the onsite gym for a bit and then went to sleep.

That’s day 3 done! Thank you all so much for your continued support and kind comments. Please don’t forget to comment down below or send me an email via the contact me page, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you again!

Day Map

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